
Notice anything different?

Posted in Our News.

Look closely and you might spot something different about your box of Yorkshire Tea.

It has been nine years since our packs were last updated, and we thought it was time to refresh the design.

But the pack is pretty precious to us, and we know Yorkshire Tea drinkers love it too.

So while we’ve tweaked a couple of bits and bobs (a typeface here, an information box there) there’s only one major change – and it’s the thing we’re the most proud of.

The very talented Yorkshire artist Andrew Hutchinson has created a brand new painting for our boxes.

We think it captures our favourite things about that idyllic Yorkshire scene, and adds a style all his own.

So there are still the beautiful green fields, rolling hills and valleys. You’ll still spot dry stone walls, sheep and a – of course – a village cricket match.

But there are some lovely new touches too. We’ll be posting some images on our Facebook page over the coming week, and describing them in more detail in an upcoming blog post.

We made a short video of Andrew at work on the painting – and enjoying a cuppa – which you can watch here.

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