
The Tea Song

Posted in The Tea Song.

What’s hot, tasty and perfect for surviving a zombie attack?

Tea of course! At least, if our new Tea Song is to be believed.

It’s a tuneful celebration of the wonders of tea, shining a spotlight on the many different tricky situations it helps to fix.

We’re sure the problems will be familiar. We’re talking about grazes, debris injuries, arrow wounds to the knee, smog stains on your window, relationship break-ups, the economic difficulties of Greece, and Mondays.

Oh, and zombies. If you ever find yourself in a tight spot, you can always hit them over the head with your mug.

The song seems to be going down pretty well: it’s already hit 175,000 views on YouTube, and it came second in a poll of the week’s best adverts.

And, most amazingly of all, Russell Crowe likes it. Yes, actual Russell Crowe.

You can watch it for yourself above – and if you like it, please share it around!

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